Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why Does the Tea Party Avoid the Eligibility Issue?| The Post & Email

Why Does the Tea Party Avoid the Eligibility Issue?| The Post & Email: "Where is the Tea Party in all of this? Granted, a lot of good has been accomplished over the last two years. I give you your props. You have rallied people to the cause, you have organized groups and people and motivated them to step up to the plate. I am totally proud of what you all have done, all of it in a loosely-confederated organization with no (apparent) jockeying for power and no proclaimed “leader.” This last makes for a very hard-to-find target by the enemy. You made a huge impact and the enemy knows it and they are afraid of it.

However, there remains one 800-pound elephant in the room which has not been addressed, and it is the eligibility issue – or, more precisely, the lack thereof. There is overwhelming evidence that Obama is not eligible to be president and the Tea Parties and the RNC, the DNC and both parties in the Congress refuse to address this. As Gordon elaborated on, we the people are fighting this fight every single day. We are tired!!

And, indeed, how does Ms. Bachmann know that Obama"

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