Sunday, February 28, 2010

ground zero: space weather, coronal mass ejection & chile quake

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from clyde lewis: The Large 8.8 earthquake that hit Chile was not a product of HARRP but it very well could have been a result of a direct hit from the snapping of a solar filament. All last week pictures had been issued from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory of an enormous magnetic filament that hung suspended above the surface of the sun’s southern hemisphere. It was estimated to be I million Kilometers or 621,371 miles long. The filament could wrap itself 24 times around the earth. SOHO did say that the Filament did snap around the 25th of February. It produced clouds and a coronal mass ejection. It was unknown what effect it would have had on the earth.

Now we see that a mass earthquake hits Chile some days after the CME occurs. A tsunami set off by the magnitude-8.8 quake threatened every nation around the Pacific Ocean roughly a quarter of the globe.

I would say that we are not out of the woods yet. We have until March 1st to see if anything else strange may go down.

All this activity is a sign that the sun is coming back to life after a long, deep solar minimum. Sunspots have returned crackling with solar flares, and coronal mass ejections.

In the Ground Zero Lounge report "That Synching Feeling: Modern Hermetic Arcanum," I reported that last year it was predicted that something like this would happen within the next three years. It wasn’t predicted by some dime store psychic, but NASA Scientists.

The book 'Severe Space Weather Events–Understanding Societal & Economic Impacts Workshop Report' is a fictitious account that is available for free online and gives us an up close and personal look into a “fictitious“ massive coronal ejection.

The coronal ejection Electromagnetic pulse or EMP from the sun is detailed in the book with a fictitious scenario that happens at Midnight on September 22nd, 2012. In the fictitious account,

The skies above Manhattan are filled with a flickering curtain of colorful light. Few New Yorkers have seen the aurora this far south but their fascination is short-lived. Within a few seconds, electric bulbs dim and flicker, then become unusually bright for a fleeting moment. Then all the lights in the state go out. Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power. The earth begins to rock and a devastating earthquake is felt over a large area. A year later and millions of Americans are dead and the nation’s infrastructure lies in tatters. The World Bank declares America a developing nation. Europe, Scandinavia, China and Japan are also struggling to recover from the same fateful event – a violent storm, 150 million kilometers away on the surface of the sun.”
The amazing thing is that the report details beautiful flashing lights above the earth before the EMP or CME hits the earth. When the earthquake hit Chile it was reported on MSNBC that a freelance reporter Cecilia Lagos said that before the quake she saw brilliant flashes of light and brilliant colors in the sky over Chile in the wee morning hours before the quake hit.

People may ask, If this coronal ejection was so huge then why was Chile only feeling the effects? Well this is not over yet, but there is a very good reason why Chile and several other areas in the Southern hemisphere may not escape the wrath of the Electromagnetic Tsunami.

There is an area known as the South Atlantic Anomaly which is a dip in the Earth’s magnetic field which allows cosmic rays, and charged particles to reach lower into the atmosphere. This interferes with communication with satellites, aircraft, and the Space Shuttle. While there are theories as to why this occurs, the geologic origin is not yet known. The earth’s magnetic field is there to protect us from threats. A breach in the field leaves us open for danger.

The magnetic field in the south Atlantic Anomaly can leave people that live in these regions vulnerable for a Pulse ejection from the sun. The mainstream media will not report that a filament from the Sun was dangling above us for three weeks before it exploded. People would panic not knowing what to expect. Ground Zero Listeners have been well aware of what is happening on the sun, and what may be happening to the earth. If you would like to hear past shows of Ground Zero you can download them for a buck out of the file store. It is just one small investment for a whole Lot of knowledge. It is also cheaper than a cup of coffee.

download/support [13mb mp3]

related: avatar, the burning of eden

previous episode: project for new american manifesto destiny

Saturday, February 27, 2010

cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers

related: former intel chief predicts 'devastating' cyber attack
cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powersfrom The president would have the power to safeguard essential federal and private Web resources under draft Senate cybersecurity legislation.

According to an aide familiar with the proposal, the bill includes a mandate for federal agencies to prepare emergency response plans in the event of a massive, nationwide cyberattack. The president would then have the ability to initiate those network contingency plans to ensure key federal or private services did not go offline during a cyberattack of unprecedented scope, the aide said.

Ultimately, the legislation is chiefly the brainchild of Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, respectively. Both lawmakers have long clamored for a federal cybersecurity bill, charging that current measures — including the legislation passed by the House last year — are too piecemeal to protect the country's Web infrastructure.

Their renewed focus arrives on the heels of two, high-profile cyberattacks last month: A strike on Google, believed to have originated in China, and a separate, more disjointed attack that affected thousands of businesses worldwide.

flashback: house overwhelmingly passes cybersecurity bill

Rockefeller and Snowe's forthcoming bill would establish a host of heretofore absent cybersecurity prevention and response measures, an aide close to the process said. The bill will "significantly [raise] the profile of cybersecurity within the federal government," while incentivizing private companies to do the same, according to the aide.

Additionally, it will "promote public awareness" of Internet security issues, while outlining key protections of Americans' civil liberties on the Web, the aide continued.

Privacy groups are nonetheless likely to take some umbrage at Rockefeller and Snowe's latest effort, an early draft of which leaked late last year.

When early reports predicted the cybersecurity measure would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency," online privacy groups said they felt that would endow the White House with overly ambiguous and far-reaching powers to regulate the Internet.

The bill will still contain most of those powers, and a "vast majority" of its other components "remain unchanged," an aide with knowledge of the legislation told The Hill. But both the aide and a handful of tech insiders who support the bill have nonetheless tried to dampen skeptics' concerns, reminding them the president already has vast — albeit lesser-known — powers to regulate the Internet during emergencies.

It is unclear when Rockefeller and Snowe will finish their legislation. And the ongoing debate over healthcare reform, financial regulatory reform, jobs bills and education fixes could postpone action on the floor for many months.

Both lawmakers heavily emphasized the need for such a bill during a Senate Commerce Committee cybersecurity hearing on Wednesday.

"Too much is at stake for us to pretend that today’s outdated cybersecurity policies are up to the task of protecting our nation and economic infrastructure," Rockefeller said. "We have to do better and that means it will take a level of coordination and sophistication to outmatch our adversaries and minimize this enormous threat."

Swizan gaming at INORBIT

Friday, February 26, 2010


Sí el Amor toca tus puertas ,
no te pongas indiferente,
no quieras luchar , combatir,
no quieras escapar
porque el Amor lo llenará todo,
desde lo más insignificante
a lo más complejo,
de lo más superficial
a lo más profundo.
Y entonces sentirás
que te envuelve , que te atrapa.
Y será como la luz del día ,
iluminándolo todo .
Porque aunque corras y te escondas,
estarás dentro de un océano
que no te dejará jamás.
Porque el Amor
es como la salvia de los árboles ,
es lo que da vida ,
lo que da fruto,
lo que da aroma.
Por tanto , enfrenta el Amor
con candor y pureza.
Y Así , tú y el Amor
serán por siempre ,
una misma fortaleza.
Pintura y Escrito:
Oscar Basurto Carbonell
Armonía y Paz
Espejos de el alma
Arte para reenergizar
¡Bienvenido a los nuevos seguidores del Blog!

New Covers

New polish To&Owo magazine (2010) and Viva Fakt (2004) Thx Olivia for this cover ;)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

O meu "Tanque de Molas"

Olá meninas

Á muito tempo que queria fazer esta peça para mim.

Depois de a encontrar na loja, vai disto!!!

Aqui fica as fotos do meu novo cestinho para as molas....

As laterais.

É claro que tinha que ser com joaninhas....

A parte de trás do tanque!!!

Aqui o  interior do tanque, claro em tons de preto e vermelho!!

A parte da frente da joaninha mais adorável!!!

Aqui já recheado de algumas molinhas.

Então o que acham??

Beijinhos para todas.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


El amor genuino es aquel que es capaz del sacrificio. Cuando se ama por supuesto esperamos respuesta, pero éste amor es capaz de buscar una respuesta, ya no solamente en la retribución sino en la plenitud del ser amado y entonces el amor que no solo es poesía se torna también en una entrega heroica, y es también el porque del amor espiritual, el amor que es así es capaz de darlo todo, y aun sin recibir nada.

Esta clase de amor es sincero y abnegado, y lleva el perfume de su propia herida que la brinda estando callado, pero que a su vez se interesa profundamente en el ser amado, el amor así ya no clama, ni dice: "Te necesito". Dice: "¿Que necesitas? Ya no dice: "Mira mis ojos". Dice:" solo veo tus ojos". Ya no dice: "Seamos felices" Dice:" Sé feliz".

Entonces el amor se ha espiritualizado, inclusive más allá del deseo, trascendiendo así el aspecto humano. Como hace la madera cuando se alimenta y se hace uno con el fuego. El amor por ser amor ya no se ve así mismo, ya no tiene imagen, ya no tiene rostro, ni siquiera tiene corazón propio, ya todo lo ha dado y se encuentra en el ser amado.


Pintura y Escrito:

Oscar Basurto Carbonell

Poemas de amor


¡Que hermosa es la palabra !
que instrumento maravilloso de comunicación .
Pero ,¿Qué pasa cuando no tengo voz ?
¿Qué pasa cuando estoy condenado al silencio ?
cuando no tengo más palabra y sólo queda la nada .
Quisiera decir tantas cosas pero solo me queda el silencio ,
Contemplar y saber que siento lo que siento
Como un mar de fuego encendido y como un relámpago
que siento en mi pecho cuando te miro.
¿ Pero que voy a hacer ? Ya no puedo volar ,
ya no puedo expresar, ya no puedo reír ni llorar.
Soy como un muerto pero que está vivo,
Soy yo mismo la tumba , soy yo mismo el entierro.
Y soy siempre para ti , el que suspira,
el que te mira , el que quiere navegar .
El que quiere surcar tu mar porque eres aquel cielo ,
aquel océano de infinitas estrellas
en el cual quiero ser todo lo que puedo ser.
Pero estoy preso del silencio, de tu silencio ,
de tu mirada fría , de tu distancia infinita,
de tu sonrisa marchita .
Y la culpa es la espina que clavaste hace mucho tiempo,
aquel desamor, aquel hielo , esa frialdad que insensata
ha herido al Amor con la condena del silencio.
Y no queda más, en la noche oscura que la palabra muda
que sin embargo, sueña tu nombre.
Aquí en mi lecho esperándote eternamente ,
te miro y te contemplo pero la nada lo cubre todo
y el todo nace y renace para volver a morir.
En ese silencio es que el amor agoniza
porque todo se ha hecho cenizas,
por eso me callo. porque ha muerto la flor
que en un día había nacido en mi corazón ,
Tan pura, tan limpia ,como virgen inmaculada .
Por eso tengo que callar porque el viento de la vida
me llevará lejos de ti , tan lejos que nunca más,
y en mi silencio mudo quiero decir
que lo que tu mataste por siempre
gritará tu nombre ,pero lo gritará dentro de ti
Porque dejaste ir algo más que el Amor Verdadero,
dejaste ir tu propia vida.
Y así , después de todo me quedaré dentro de ti
porque los sueños no vividos y los besos no dados
te reclamarán y ni amantes saciaran
lo que yo solamente puedo dar.
Ahora guardaré silencio
para siempre ,lo que siento por ti .

Pintura y Escrito:

Oscar Basurto Carbonell

Espejos de el alma

Press Stuff

I've add new stuff from Germany: autograph and 3 new posters. In section Magazine Posters are finding Sasha Fierce and Dangerously In Love placards.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


La Fantasía es el puente entre los hombres y los sueños, sí no hubiese fantasía no podríamos atrevernos ni tan siquiera imaginar, y sí esto fuese así , seríamos seres demasiado rígidos, demasiado prácticos ,pero lo más grave no podríamos conocer nuestro deseo interior porque habremos matado el arte de mirar sin ver , de tocar sin tocar , de hablar sin palabras y vivir sin haber vivido .

Y es importante la fantasía porque es la precursora del mañana, es la base de una ciencia que no siendo la ortodoxa es la más pura porque nace del genio creador , quien es el niño interior.

Pintura y Escrito:

Oscar Basurto Carbonell

Armonía y Paz

Vamos AJUDAR!!!!!!

                                            RECOLHA DE BENS PARA A MADEIRA

Campanha de recolha de bens essenciais para envio para a Madeira


A partir do dia 23/ Fevereiro, os CTT lançam uma campanha nacional de recolha de bens essenciais para envio para a Madeira, no âmbito do seu Programa de Luta contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social, com aceitação em todas as 900 Estações de Correio do País.

Basta a qualquer pessoa dirigir-se a uma Estação de Correios, pedir a caixa solidária grátis, enchê-la com os bens e marcar como destinatário a palavra MADEIRA.

Não é preciso selo nem mais morada e o envio é grátis. Os CTT tratam de entregar os bens.

A Instituição destinatária será a Caritas da Madeira que, já informou que estavam a precisar principalmente dos seguintes produtos/bens:

- Lençóis

- Cobertores

- Mantas

- Almofadas

- Roupa interior (H/ S e criança)

- Roupa em geral

- Produtos de higiene

- Fraldas

- Leite em pó

- Comida para bebé

- Enlatados




Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bonnie & Clyde

My second version of Jay-Z's single, with 3 track and video

To the menu I've added Stickers.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


El hombre estaba inmerso en un profundo silencio, deseaba aprender el arte de renacer. Había estudiado arte, ciencia, misterios y muchos temas mundanos y quería volverse poderoso y capaz. Pero el no conocía el arte de renacer y el estaba concentrándose y buscando, el entonces enfrento el misterio del silencio interno, el espíritu sagrado de cada hombre, de cada ser en la creación. Y el silencio y el misterio dijo:
- Tienes que morir para poder renacer. Y para morir tienes que dejarlo todo atrás: Tu sabiduría, logros y tus propias experiencias.

El hombre se quedo sorprendido ante esto y el misterio le dijo en una voz baja y segura :
-Todos son iguales, quieren saber pero no son capaces de ofrecer nada.

El hombre se fue, un largo tiempo paso y todo lo que el había logrado comenzó a desvanecerse: Su fortuna, poder, aun su sabiduría comenzó a diluirse y el estaba confuso pero aun podía recordar el dialogo espiritual y se preguntaba como podría el renacer, que se llevaría con el? El se daba cuenta que lo había perdido todo.
Entonces, cuando el momento culminante de la muerte llego, el misterio, la voz interna se acerco al hombre de nuevo y dijo:
-Siento tu angustia, desolación y tu pérdida. Ahora te das cuenta y comienzas a apreciar la importancia de una sabiduría que nunca te abandonara, que nunca te dejara. Pero escogiste una falsa seguridad. He visto que tu arrepentimiento es genuino, y por eso te diré que lo que se alcanza con el corazón, no se pierde nunca, y te da el arte de renacer conscientemente en este mundo. El todo, que es un poder superior, la madre de todas las cosas, es para todos y esta en todos. Aunque el nombre se olvide, el será la luz que puede parecer pequeña pero es capaz de iluminar el espacio infinito. Abre tu corazón y escucha: La generosidad del Amor hace, transforma el corazón humano y lo eleva como luz eterna. Cuando tú aceptes que el Amor es humilde y generoso, entonces realizaras el arte de renacer para siempre en la eternidad.

Pintura y Escrito:

Oscar Basurto Carbonell

Caixa Bijux "De filha para mãe"

Olá meninas....

Aqui fica a minha primeira caixinha com a técnica da "decoupage italiana".

Depois da Dina me ter dado todas as indicações necessárias, aventurei-me a fazer esta caixinha de bijux para a N. oferecer á sua mãe.

Aplicação da palavra mãe na frente da caixinha, como a N. pediu.

Uma outra perspectiva do tampo.

No interior uma foto da N. e da sua mãe, tal como foi pedido.

A N. e a sua mãe adoraram.

E vocês o que acham??

Beijinhos grandes para todas e votos de uma excelente semaninha.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Ruins of Beverast Discography

Album Name: Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite
Band: The Ruins of Beverast
Genre: Black Metal
Year: 2009
Country: Germany
Track Listing:

1. I Raised This Stone as a Ghastly Memorial
2. Alu
3. God's Ensanguined Bestiaries
4. Mount Sinai Moloch
5. Transcending Saturnine Iericho Skies
6. Kain's Countenance Fell
7. The Restless Mills
8. Theriak - Baal - Theriak
9. Blood Vaults (II - Our Despots Cleanse the Levant)
10. Arcane Pharmakon Messiah


Album Name: Rain Upon the Impure
Band: The Ruins of Beverast
Genre: Black Metal
Year: 2006
Country: Germany
Track Listing:

1. 50 Forts Along the Rhine
2. Soliloquy of the Stigmatised Shepherd
3. Rapture
4. Blood Vaults (I - Thy Virginal Malodour)
5. Soil of the Incestuous
6. Balnaa-Kheil the Bleak
7. Rain Upon the Impure


Album Name: Unlock the Shrine
Band: The Ruins of Beverast
Genre: Black Metal
Year: 2004
Country: Germany
Track Listing:

1. Between Bronze Walls
2. Skeleton Coast
3. Euphoria When the Bombs Fell
4. God Sent No Sign
5. The Clockhand's Groaning Circles
6. Procession of Pawns
7. Summer Decapitation Ritual
8. Cellartunes
9. Unlock the Shrine
10. Subterranean Homicide Lamentation
11. The Mine
12. White Abyss


Sunday, February 14, 2010