Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Its Earth Day yo!

we know it ain't easy to change your lives suddenly to help protect your mother earth. But it really doesn't take too much to help. As cliche as it sounds, the small things really do matter. Gradually you'll develop to the big things. Here are some simple things you can do:

Get rid of junk mail, The Federal Trade Commission website explains how to remove yourself from getting those annoying ass offers and shit. I read that if everyone in the US reduced the junk mail they get every week, 100 million trees would be saved.

Bike, walk, take public transportation, carpool, drive slower, & keep your tires inflated. Bikes are mad cool! and along with walking, you're exercising duh. And public transportation is fun! Don't you love all the bums you see on the train? But if you must drive, go slower with good tire inflation. It saves fuel, tires, and lowers emissions.

Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle. This saves energy and landfill space. Plastic bags are horrible for the earth, but they're really unavoidable. Try using tote bags or check google for all the cool reusable bags, that are affordable and pretty. And when you absolutely have to use plastic bags, just make sure you keep 'em, and reuse 'em. Do not use styrofoam! It is the worst thing ever! Shop at thrift stores and salvation armys. Thats mad reusing! Plus vintage clothes are the shit. Recycle everything! Paper, plastic, whatever, just do it. Why not?

Conserve water people!!!!! Don't let faucets run! It's such a pet peeve when people leave the shower or faucet running. It is so unnecessary. The hardest for me, but the easiest really, is turning off the water when brushing my teeth. It doesn't need to run, just remind yourself that every time you brush. Take shorter showers, or hey skip a few. As relaxing as showers are, we don't need to be in there for but so long. Refill your water bottle. Every time we buy a new bottle of water, more plastic is being used and wasted. There are so many people in this world without clean drinking water. We shouldn't abuse the blessing of having it.

Plant a tree. It sounds mad cory but it's sweet. Do it with a child and help them build good ethics. Teaching the kids to love and care for the planet is the most important thing we can do to protect the future of our home, earth and of humankind.

Unplug yo shit!!! You know you don't need all those electronics plugged in. When something isn't in use, unplug it. Cell phone chargers, radios, a dvd player, fan, whatever it is. Unplugging it when it isn't in use is the simplest thing you can do.

Buy those really good light bulbs. Yeah they're a little pricey but they last mad long, so they end up costing you cheaper than buying the cheap ones all the time.

Put your computers/laptops on power save. I love my screen saver, but it's better to let it sleep or hibernate (whatever one it is). You can have your screen saver come on in 5 minutes and have it sleep within like 20minutes (when plugged in) and like 15/10 when not plugged in. It helps the world, and your computer rest.

Pick that shit up. Garbage is every where, if you see an empty can on the bus, pick it up and throw it out. Keep your wrappers in your bag or pocket, until you reach a garbage can. If you spot garbage on the floors, in any place, I know it seems gross, but you won't get sick, i'm sure, just pick it up, and throw it out. Littering is so horrible, when it is so easy to get to a garbage can. We live on this planet. We should treat it as we do our homes, and our friends' homes, because this planet is all of our home.

Open your windows homie. AC feels fuckin amazing in the summer time! I know, but damn it wastes mad od energy. The world is getting hotter, so ACs get used more but it's only making the environment worse, therefore making it hotter. Sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.

All these things help you individually, and help us all in whole. They're only small changes. It starts with one person, one day. Also use suncreen. The sun's rays are out of this world, and as bronze as i'd like to be, it's safe to protect your skin. We were out for that Rock to Cure thing from only 12-3 and got crazy sun burn. Here's a fact we learned that day, whatever spf you use, double the number and you're suppose to apply it that many times. Ex: SPF 15. double it makes it 30, so apply it every 30 minutes. You can buy pocket size ones.

Make earth a happy earth yal.


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