Friday, July 15, 2011

Book Blogger Hop #4 (7/15 - 7/18)


This is a very interesting book meme!
It's hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books,
and runs every week,
from Friday to Monday.

Be sure to check out her blog for
the hop participation rules!

This week’s question comes from Veronica who blogs at:


How/Where do you get your books? Do you buy them or go to the library? Is there a certain website you use like paperbackswap?

My particular 'brand' of book addiction dictates that I must own a book I think I will enjoy reading.  Therefore, I stopped going to libraries a very long time was just too depressing for me!  The thing is, I would take out a book that looked interesting, go home, eat it right up, and promptly fall in love with it.  Then would come the dreaded day that I would inevitably have to return it to the library, if I didn't want to incur a fine.  Throughout the years, I did have to pay some rather high fines, because I would procrastinate on returning beloved books.  So, one day, I decided: no more libraries for me!!  I then started haunting used book stores, but, since I'm very, very picky and finicky about my books, I would only buy those in nearly pristine condition.  (I was an impoverished college student at the time, but I managed.) 

I 'graduated' to regular bookstores like Barnes & Noble and Borders when I began to earn my own money working full-time.  

When I got into the Internet, I discovered Amazon and eBay, and those are the main sites I do most of my book buying on.  They have excellent prices!  Also, eBay has the added advantage of selling books in lots of several volumes, again, at very reasonable prices.  I recently bought the Evernight series, by Claudia Gray, listed as being in 'very good' condition, and was pleasantly surprised to see, when I received the books, that they looked to be absolutely brand new!  To make my day even more, I won them at auction by sniping at the very last minute!!  (Excuse me, but I have to pat myself on the back.)

Other sites I go to are Alibris, Abebooks, and, of course, The Book Depository, which, as all of us bibliophiles know, has free international shipping!!!   From time to time, I will also visit Powell's.

Oh, and of course, I don't visit any book-swapping sites.  I neither lend nor borrow books.  Once they're mine, that's it.  I'm very possessive about my treasures!  Lol.

I have continued to visit actual bookstores, too, even though I do buy a lot of books online.  However, nothing beats the absolute pleasure and joy of walking into a real bookstore and seeing all those shelves full of books!!!  And then there's the blissful, timeless thrill of walking around and browsing, until a book (or books) call out to me, and I know I will give them a good home...sigh...oh, such happiness...

So I still go to Barnes & Noble, as well as Borders.  There's also a local, indie bookstore I love, here in Miami, called "Books and Books".  And that's a perfect name, too, because they have books, and books, and books!!!!! 

One very important reason to go to a real bookstore, aside from the lovely pleasure of handling books, is the events.  At Books and Books, as well as B&N, they host author events.  An author will come in, present their book, take questions from the audience, and then sign the book for those who have decided to buy it.  These events, while fascinating to me, are also a bit 'dangerous', because I will usually be unable to resist buying a book that will cost me at least $24.95 and up, just so I can have the author's signature!  So that means I will spend more money than I'd like to...

Oh, and last but most definitely not least -- I only buy print versions of books.  I totally refuse to read or buy ebooks, since I prefer to handle a book, smell the paper, lovingly turn the pages, and admire the cover.  If I am madly in love with a given book, I will even hug it tightly for a few seconds whenever the love madness gets a hold of me!!! 

Hope you all have fun blog-hopping! 
Enjoy a book-filled weekend!! 

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