Monday, February 14, 2011

4 in the Morning: Fireworks, Romance

Twice each day we scan our YouTube metrics as well as websites on the cutting edge of internet culture to discover the most buzzed about videos.
3-Year-Old Reacts to Trade Fireworks Fail No Crowds Romantic Blush
  1. A three-year-old Texas Ranger fan reacts to news that his favorite player, Michael Young, might be traded. As seen on Deadspin.
  2. This fireworks display gone awry is one of our top Trending Videos of the weekend.
  3. Footage of the staff from the Mall of the Americas' Apple store welcoming a small number of buyers on the day of the Verizon iPhone release. As seen on Engadget.
  4. This Valentine's Day makeup tutorial from Michelle Phan was one of the weekend's Most Viewed videos.

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