Sunday, August 31, 2008

21-7 Weekly Poll: Who needs college?

"School, I didnt show up, It fucked my flow up"
- Biggie

We are so happy to say that on the poll "In black or white- Is college NECESSARY to SUCCEED in life"
85% of you voted "No"! 21-7 completely agrees with you! A mere 15% said "Yes"- Fools!

College can be necessary in some cases- if you want to be a teacher, doctor, lawyer, etc.- but College is not something that you need in life in order to be successful. We encourage all of you to follow your dreams, make your own path, be your own person. Don't go to college, get yourself $30,000 in debt, just to make your parents happy. Don't get us wrong though- College is very useful. The experience and the classes offered will teach you a lot. But your knowledge isn't gained only if you have completed your bachelors degree, your knowledge is the person you have become through your growth. Life is what you make it. And you can make it without this monopoly we call College.

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