Saturday, March 19, 2011

Address the health of trouble on. the yard

trouble 1. caesarean section after the operation I felt abdominal distension, abdominal pain, how do


turn over more action in the post-partum, can promote bowel paralysis early recovery muscle peristalsis, so that intestinal gas discharged as soon as possible to improve bloating.

In addition, bowel movements to resume but not completely straighten out the front, often feel the existence of a maternal gases reach the anus but the door and then up the back and abdominal pain. This is caused by intestinal peristalsis reverse, as long as the gas can be discharged quietly wait for a while, do not be too nervous.

trouble 2. 3 days after the birth of my baby milk on down, but always self-overflow, can not control, how to do

solution: milk leakage occurred not too worried, first to adjust diet, maintain adequate rest, so that on-demand breast-feeding. Feel breast swelling, it is necessary to baby feeding time. To spill milk when that will be used to push the chest with both hands crossed exert oneself, to prevent the milk out. In addition, under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine differentiation taking some medicine, or qi and blood, convergence of milk, liver and inhibiting or heat milk. Mothers often eat some jellyfish skin, but also reduce the galactorrhea phenomenon.

trouble 3. 3 days after the birth of baby milk down, you can just feed the two or three times on my nipple, splitting, and the pain to the baby can not breastfeed, how to do

< solution:

rupture occurs when the nipple, the first pay special attention to local hygiene to prevent infection. If only a small gap light, you can put some children with cod liver oil, feeding the attention of drug wash first. Some dates may also be coated with honey and sesame paste, sesame oil or 1 check, 1 honey, dates then washed to go nuclear, add appropriate amount of boiling water for 1 hour, filtered to leave residue juice, jujube juice to boil after the thick Add sesame oil, honey, boiled for a while to Wei Huo, remove the foam, cooling into a paste, applied to the gap after each feeding place, very good. Feeding device can also be used to milk out, feed the baby after boiling, so as not to result in reduced milk, so breastfeeding failure. Before and after each feeding, wash with warm water every nipple and areola, keep dry and clean to prevent recurrence of cleft.

trouble 4. After the birth of baby, every day I have a lot of sweat, clothes are always wet, and it is not normal


Although postpartum sweating is a normal physiological phenomenon, but because of physical weakness should pay attention to maternal care. Maternal sweating, the body easily cold, causing common cold, should pay attention to room temperature. Some warm in winter, cool in summer to pay attention to keep fresh air circulation. Air conditioning or fans in summer, avoid bed convection air. Maternity by Khan wet clothing and bedding should be frequently changes, to prevent the cold cold. Often the body's sweat with a towel or brush with warm water, but dressed up after wiping to avoid the body in the cold.

trouble 5. I was exhausted after the baby was delivered, had never thought to urinate, when I want to have the urine does not come out when you urinate, how do

solve problems:

4-6 hours after delivery to remind, to help the maternal urine. If mothers are not used to urinate in bed, sit up or get out of bed to urinate, and early ambulation. Dysuria, hand pressing the lower abdomen or lower abdomen with a hot water bottle apply pressure, or rinse with warm water to remove the urethra urethral spasm. Also allows mothers to listen to the sound of water repeatedly, induced micturition reflex.

If the maternal genital wound pain not due to urinate in the basin would put some hot water, steam or warm water rinse vulva fumigation to promote urethral sphincter relaxation, relieve the pain of the vulva. When various methods can not solve the difficulties in urinating, it can be placed in the bladder catheter for 24 hours so that the bladder to rest, restore muscle tone and promote neurological recovery until fully capable of self-urination.

trouble 6. Postpartum two or three days, and now my two breasts are Zhangde very powerful, how do


hand the milk out, wash your hands after holding method for the entire breast, even forced, from around the breast to the nipple gently massage the direction of extrusion, will be established once the sense of maternal milk easily discharged. Squeeze the breast, if you find some part of the expansion of milk was available in the local hard squeeze. Despite the squeeze will feel pain of maternal, but not afraid of the pain is not due to timely treatment. This expansion will only add milk, make or cause excessive expansion of the breast mastitis.

a baby breastfeeding, pay attention to the emptying of both breasts. If the baby can not eat it, in time squeeze out excess milk, then it will reduce the milk and expansion, but also to promote milk secretion. In addition, breast-feeding to be diligent, to let the baby suck milk full, and heat on the breast, can relieve breast pain sense.

trouble 7. Has been a week after giving birth, but I have not defecation, feeling some abdomina.l distension, how do

solution :

mothers should get out of bed as soon as possible, move about the room back and forth, can stimulate the intestinal peristalsis. Eat some fresh vegetables and fruits, drink some honey and water, eating some soup foods to promote intestinal peristalsis, intestinal, and added lubrication for a lot of sweating and loss of body water. Can also be under the guidance of a doctor, use 20-30 ml of liquid paraffin, or Maren Runchang laxative pills.

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