Thursday, September 30, 2010

In the Dreamtime...

It all started with a dream…

Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga, as most of us fans know by now, got started with a dream.  She clearly saw Edward and Bella in a sunlit meadow.  She heard them discussing the problems inherent to their unique relationship.  

It’s all in the dream.  It’s the theater of the subconscious.  

Creativity lives and breathes here, in the subconscious mind, which is free, limitless, and full of symbols that sometimes interact in very strange ways.  The writer, the artist, is the person who allows these symbols to emerge, to take control, even, with no concern for the dictates of the conscious mind.  One lets go, one goes with the flow, allowing oneself to be carried by the stream of images, words, feelings, music – whatever it is that moves the artist.  One lets go.  This is the most important point.  One ignores the critic, the censor.  One allows characters, words, pictures, or whatever it is, to emerge.  Unfettered.  Flowing.  Incandescent. Glowing.  Sparkling. 

How very difficult this is at times!  ‘Reality’ intrudes.  Routines, rules, and regulations must be followed.  One must get to work on time.  Bills have to be paid.  Babies cry for their bottles, and husbands for their dinner.  (Even those of us women who don’t have kids, like me, still have the husbands to deal with.  But mine is very sweetly content to eat out most of the time, or we buy microwave dinners. ) 

There are all kinds of inane, trivial, inconsequential things that can mess up one’s creative juices.  So one has to set aside whatever time one can, in order to allow the subconscious to possess one’s body, so that it can dance, and flow, and give forth inspiration, and thus comes the book, the painting, the movie, the piano concerto, or the elegant, swan-like movements of a ballet choreography….

It all begins with the dream.  It all begins with allowing the dream to live, taking the place of this mundane ‘reality’ we think is real.  The secret is that it’s not.  What we know as 'reality' is made up of the consensus of the majority.  It’s the paradigm created by the majority.  So we believe in it, and live by it. 

Art and creativity are not the consensus of the majority.  They are the special preserve of those who are willing to break away from the majority, by allowing the subconscious mind free play.

More and more, I want to free myself from this oppressive thing we humans call ‘reality’.  More and more, I want to simply allow my subconscious mind to have its way with me.  This is what it’s doing right now.  I have stepped aside, and the words are thus free to flow from within, with no restraint, no obligations to be anything but what they are.

It’s a little like receiving dictation.  I’m dictating to myself, except that I am not consciously attempting to control the words that are coming out.  

It all started with the dream…  It always does.

I want to dream and dream and dream and dance in the light of my dreams which will then become my new reality….

Transcription complete.

Fotos de Alguien Te Mira de Telemundo

Fotos de los principales actores de la telenovela Alguien te Mira, que se transmite por Telemundo, Espero os guste las Imagenes

Fotos de Carmen Aub (Niñas Mal)

Fotos de Carmen Aub de Niñas Mal, una de las principales protagonistas de la telenovela que se transmite en MTV, Espero os guste las imagenes..

New Destiny's Child Singles

I've recived fourth Bug A Boo single, with 4 tracks, Survivor promo and second version of Cater 2 U, with album version ;)

9/30 defcon: total domination & digital infringement

obama's internet wiretap move:
just one small facet of total domination project

obama's internet wiretap move: just one small facet of total domination projectvideo: obama working on plan to wiretap skype, facebook, blackberrys & more*
wiretapped phones, now internet?*
100k+ germans ask google to blur their homes*
feds' requests for google data rise 20%*
net censorship takes center stage in 'online infringement' bill*
the leaked list & the digital economy act*
unpublished iraq war logs trigger internal wikikeaks revolt*
cia accused of using pirated software for drone assassination attacks*
fmr stasi cryptographers now develop technology for nato*

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fotos de Isabel Burr (Niñas Mal)

Fotos de Isabel Burr, una de las actrizes de la telenovela Niñas Mal que es transmitida por MTV


Sí algo lo se, es que tu eres la amante perfecta
que como tu no hay ninguna,
que como tus ojos , cuando miran, fascinan,
no existe otros así como los tuyos.
Que tu piel sabe a miel,
que llevas el aroma de las flores.
Y que en tu boca hay un sabor exquisito y fascinante.
Se también que tu pasión no tiene límites,
que eres más que el fuego
que eres más que el sol, tan ardiente.
Que nada se te puede comparar,
tus palabras, tus gestos, siempre especial ,
siempre sensual, siempre fascinantes .
Yo sé , yo sé también que todo esto tienes
y es mas eres una joya , eres una flor,
eres tanto ,pero también se
que nada contigo tengo que ver
porque aunque todo tienes , no tienes corazón
y así el amor jamás podría ser.
Pintura y Escrito:
Oscar Basurto Carbonell
Te comprenderé

Bebé Rosa e Verde!!

Olá meninas...

Aqui está um conjunto para um quartinho de uma menina linda.

Pintado com tintas acrilicas em tons de rosa e verde.

Aplicação de imagens de room decor e muito pinta bolinhas!!!

Conjunto composto por moldura, cesto e porta toalhetes!!!

Beijinhos para todos que aqui passam e vão deixando o seu comentário.

Resto de uma boa semaninha para todos.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010